a planet in space
a planet in space



Published Books

Story Ideas

Hello! You are here because either you got lost in the byways and highways of the internet or you decided to find out more about me… Neil. If the first case applies to you, no worries, just pay the toll and be on your way… that will be $49.95 please. Those of you in the second category, thank you for your interest and (I hope) your support.

I wanted to say some things about myself and loving books and loving to write but when I read these things on other author's (usually minor / not-famous authors) pages I often experience deja vu and it makes me feel CHEAP and DIRTY, haha. So I will skip all the reasons why I write and why I love books and just tell you a bit about me and my plans.

I am a book reviewer and an aspiring writer. If you read my reviews and it helps you pick a book that is a good fit for you, I succeeded. If I write a book and you enjoy it, I succeeded. That is HOW I measure my success.

In these virtual pages, I will tell you about books that I read and books that I write. I will also put some of my thoughts, ideas and short stories here… maybe even a running serial story. I hope to interact with the "non-toll paying" visitors and maybe get a bit of cash from those lost passers through. Please be patient with me as I build this and PLEASE contact me.

Until we meet again…

brown wooden post on green grass field during daytime
brown wooden post on green grass field during daytime